FREEZE — You Protect. We Serve.

Angel Armor Freeze Day for Ballistic Protection

History tells us that the hottest day of the year falls in mid-July.

History also tells us that July and ice cream go together like peas and carrots. Did you know on this day 31 years ago, President Reagan proclaimed July as National Ice Cream Month?

At Angel Armor, we love our ice cream — especially our IT’S-IT Ice Cream Treats. If you haven’t already, check out the legendary San Francisco company who isn’t messing around when it comes to making top-notch frozen treats.

But there is something we love more than ice cream — providing advanced ballistic protection for those who keep us and our families safe.

The work that Law Enforcement Officers do for our community is significant, and their dedication to defending life is admirable. The weight of upholding the badge can be heavy — we admire the strength and courage it takes to do the invaluable work LEOs do every single day.

As a small token of our appreciation, we’d like to extend a special invitation to all LEOs for Angel Armor’s inaugural FREEZE Day.

If you’re in Law Enforcement, swing by Angel Armor on Friday, July 17 anytime from 1 – 3 p.m. so we can serve you free ice cream sandwiches. Stop by whenever you can, cool off and enjoy a summer treat on us.

AA FREEZE half sheet flyer FF

For more information on FREEZE Day or Angel Armor in general, connect with us on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Spread the word — all members of the Law Enforcement community are welcome,

Angel Armor

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