Good Cop, Rad Cop




BRIGHTON, COLORADO: When Officer Nick Struck arrived at the scene of a rollover car accident on Interstate 76, he saw devastation. Four young children were ejected from the vehicle, their father died at the scene, and their mother was injured. Officer Struck noticed a two-year-old girl, soaked in gasoline, crying in the field. He picked her up and sang “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” to distract her from the trauma while First Responders arrived.



CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: Sergeant B. Hagarty was eating lunch at a window seat inside Chipotle and saw a homeless man digging through the trash. He beckoned the man inside, invited him to order whatever he wanted, and paid for his lunch.



LONDON, KENTUCKY: Officer Justin Roby was dispatched to a shoplifting incident at Kroger where a young man was caught stealing baby formula. He learned the single father had fallen on hard times and couldn’t afford to feed his 6-month-old son. Officer Roby did not cite the man, instead buying him baby formula and encouraging him to come to the police department or social services if he needed help in the future.



COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA: Amidst a KKK rally protesting the removal of the Confederate flag from the Statehouse, black officer Leroy Smith helped an elderly KKK member find water and shade from the brutal summer heat.


Every day across the country, YOU, the men and women who wear a badge and carry the weight of the public’s safety on your shoulders, serve as agents of humanity, compassion and justice.


Your acts of kindness and generosity most often take place quietly — without public recognition or media attention — because you are not doing it for accolades or PR. You’re doing what’s right because your commitment to protect and serve runs deep. In fact, without bystanders who have phone cameras and social media accounts, we simply would not hear about the random acts of cop kindness that happen in every state, every day.


Consistently, you go above and beyond the call of duty. In turn, Angel Armor will continue to do everything we can to help you fight strong, serve with confidence and most importantly, survive.

To help get you armored up this fall, we have a special offer:


Protecting you — the officers who protect us — is our #1 priority. Thank you for your lives of service.

Honored to have your back,

Angel Armor

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