Body Armor Accessories: 5 Essential Items You Need

High-risk situations can unexpectedly occur at any time during a first responder’s day. Selecting appropriate body armor accessories is imperative to ensure safety and comfort and improve their ability to respond effectively to emergencies. Proper body armor accessories can help first responders enhance protection, streamline gear and supply carrying, and deploy communication devices quickly. Beyond […]

Body Armor Maintenance: Your Essential Care Guide

Body Armor is one of the most important pieces of equipment the first responder has. Proper storage, care, and frequent inspection of your vest can help maintain the life of your armor, ensuring that your body armor remains reliable, effective, and able to provide necessary protection when needed. Why is body armor maintenance important? It […]

Vehicle Armor 101: Your Ultimate Guide to Ballistic Door Panels

Police Officers often spend a significant amount of their shift in a vehicle depending on the nature of their specific job requirements and department policies. Whether patrolling their assigned areas, responding to calls, conducting traffic stops, or transporting individuals, the patrol vehicle can, in certain instances, function as a mobile office for tasks such as […]

Body Armor Levels 101: What Do the Different Ratings Mean?

Body armor plays a crucial role in protecting First Responders from a variety of threats, including bullets, knives, projectile objects and physical attacks. Let’s delve deeper into the meaning of body armor levels and what they mean for the First Responder. What are body armor levels? The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) defines the different […]

For Those Who Keep Us Free On This Peace Officers Memorial Day

Exactly 62 years ago to the day, President John F. Kennedy designated May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week in which it falls as “Police Week.” This is a somber but important occasion to reflect on officers’ service and contribution to public safety. Today, we pay special recognition to law enforcement officers who have […]

Forever Sewn in the Fabric of Freedom

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Memorial Day — a day in which America is brought to her knees by the weight of the Fallen. We mourn the countless men and women who have given everything to defend our way of life. Lost loved ones remembered, their sacrifices honored, the result of their heroism forever sewn in the fabric of Freedom. […]

Know the Difference: Flak Jackets, Kevlar & the Bulletproof Vest

Bulletproof Vest

Body armor is often categorized by many attributes, including function, brand, level of protection or sometimes even materials. So how do you begin your research for the best products? It can get overwhelming in a space where flak jackets, bulletproof vests and Kevlar seem to reign supreme in descriptions and articles. Let’s differentiate between materials, […]

The History of Armor & Evolution of Protective Clothing

Since the beginning, humans have gone to battle. We’ve fought for land, food, religion, water, protection — even love. The need for protective shields and clothing quickly became apparent as threats against life increased. As battle has evolved, body armor has evolved right along side it. Prehistoric Body Protection The first instances of protective clothing and shields came […]

Warrior Creeds

“The Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy, but where are they.” – King Agis II, 400 BC While time, space and battle have changed since 400 BC, the warrior — the heart behind the uniform — has remained steadfast and true. Embodied in warrior creeds, these ethos, oaths and codes of conduct date back far […]

How Body Armor is Made: The History, Materials, & Process

how is body armor made diagram

Humans have been producing and wearing some sort of body armor for thousands of years. Technology has advanced since the time the first tribes fastened animal hides to themselves for protection, so how is body armor made today and how does that differ from past centuries of man-made body armor? History of Body Armor Body […]

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